DAYS 1-3 - 90 Mile Beach
Days 1-3 of my trek across the entire length of New Zealand
Take a second to think about someone really close to you under the age of 35. Your best friend? Your sibling? Maybe even your child?
Now imagine they were suddenly taken away from you, without any warning whatsoever, completely out of the blue.
The likelihood is, it is impossible to imagine.
Every week at least 12 people under the age of 35 die as a result of undiagnosed heart conditions. That is over 624 people a year, gone before their time without warning. 624 parents, children, siblings, partners, friends lost. And every loss is another heartbreak.
The likes of Christian Eriksen, Fabrice Muamba and Tom Lockyer are just a few recent examples of people who have suffered from sudden cardiac arrests. They were lucky enough to survive, but over 624 young people every year aren't so lucky.
Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) is a charity which serves to try and prevent young sudden cardiac deaths. They now screen 27,000 young people across the UK every year, helping to diagnose and treat underlying heart conditions and prevent Young Sudden Cardiac Death (YSCD).
In support of
Since CRY was founded in 1995, more than 300,000 young people have been tested, which has identified:
Around 1,000 young people with potentially life threatening conditions
At least 3,000 young people with non life threatening conditions (which can cause problems in later life if not monitored or treated)
Check out my most recent blog post!
CRY also has an area on their website featuring stories kindly shared by people who have experienced the tragedy of a YSCD. Whether you have suffered a loss yourself or wish to see how YSCD affects the family and friends of those tragically lost, I strongly encourage you to follow the link below to read some of their stories.
For those with an underlying heart condition, few are fortunate enough to suffer a cardiac arrest in a place where they can receive appropriate medical care. In fact, 80% of Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS) deaths occur at rest or during sleep.
The more we can raise awareness for CRY and their work and the more money can be raised to go towards screening young people for such conditions, the higher the potential for someone with such a condition to have it diagnosed and appropriately treated before it is too late.
Lets do our bit to give as many young people as possible that chance.